Saturday, 15 September 2018









At present, the main method to control or prevent the transmission of dengue virus is to combat vector mosquitoes through:
  • preventing mosquitoes from accessing egg-laying habitats by environmental management and modification;
  • disposing of solid waste properly and removing artificial man-made habitats;
  • covering, emptying and cleaning of domestic water storage containers on a weekly basis;
  • applying appropriate insecticides to water storage outdoor containers;
  • using of personal household protection such as window screens, long-sleeved clothes, insecticide treated materials, coils and vaporizers;
  • improving community participation and mobilization for sustained vector control;
  • applying insecticides as space spraying during outbreaks as one of the emergency vector-control measures;
  • active monitoring and surveillance of vectors should be carried out to determine effectiveness of control interventions.
Careful clinical detection and management of dengue patients can significantly reduce mortality rates from severe dengue.


  • Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection.
  • The infection causes flu-like illness, and occasionally develops into a potentially lethal complication called severe dengue.
  • The global incidence of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades. About half of the world's population is now at risk.
  • Dengue is found in tropical and sub-tropical climates worldwide, mostly in urban and semi-urban areas.
  • Severe dengue is a leading cause of serious illness and death among children in some Asian and Latin American countries.
  • There is no specific treatment for dengue/ severe dengue, but early detection and access to proper medical care lowers fatality rates below 1%.


Dengue fever can be prevented by stopping mosquitoes from biting because they are the vectors the dengue viruses require for transfer to humans. The CDC has supplied these general rules to prevent transfer of viruses and other pathogens by mosquitoes and other biting vectors:
  • Avoid outbreaks: To the extent possible, travelers should avoid known foci of epidemic disease transmission. The CDC Travelers' Health web page provides alerts and information on regional disease transmission patterns and outbreak alerts ( or contact a travel medicine doctor (often an infectious-disease specialist).
  • Be aware of peak exposure times and places: Exposure to arthropod bites may be reduced if travelers modify their patterns of activity or behavior. Although mosquitoes may bite at any time of day, peak biting activity for vectors of some diseases (for example, dengue, chikungunya) is during daylight hours. Vectors of other diseases (for example, malaria) are most active in twilight periods (for example, dawn and dusk) or in the evening after dark. Avoiding the outdoors or focusing preventive actions during peak hours may reduce risk. Place also matters; ticks are often found in grasses and other vegetated areas. Local health officials or guides may be able to point out areas with greater arthropod activity.
  • Wear appropriate clothing: Travelers can minimize areas of exposed skin by wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, boots, and hats. Tucking in shirts and wearing socks and closed shoes instead of sandals may reduce risk. Repellents or insecticides such as permethrin (Elimite) can be applied to clothing and gear for added protection; this measure is discussed in detail below.
  • Bed nets: When accommodations are not adequately screened or air conditioned, bed nets are essential to provide protection and to reduce discomfort caused by biting insects. If bed nets do not reach the floor, they should be tucked under mattresses. Bed nets are most effective when they are treated with an insecticide or repellent such as permethrin. Pretreated, long-lasting bed nets can be purchased prior to traveling, or nets can be treated after purchase. The permethrin will be effective for several months if the bed net is not washed. (Long-lasting pretreated nets may be effective for much longer.)
  • Insecticides: Aerosol insecticides, vaporizing mats, and mosquito coils can help to clear rooms or areas of mosquitoes; however, some products available internationally may contain pesticides that are not registered. Insecticides should always be used with caution, avoiding direct inhalation of spray or smoke.
  • Optimum protection can be provided by applying repellents.


The complications of dengue fever are usually associated with the more severe forms of dengue fever: hemorrhagic and shock syndrome. The most serious complications, although infrequent, are as follows:


Home care for dengue fever is simply supportive care. Good oral hydration, pain control with Tylenol (or other non-NSAIDs, because the NSAIDs may cause bleeding) is usually adequate treatment for most people. However, there is no role for home care in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever or for dengue shock syndrome; depending on the patient's condition, many physicians consider these conditions to be medical emergencies.
Papaya leaf extract has been used to help increase platelet levels in some patients with dengue fever, but researchers caution that definitive studies are not yet available that confirm the utility of this treatment. Patients should consult their doctors before using this remedy.


Fortunately, this viral disease is usually self-limited and usually adequate hydration and pain control will help the person through the infection. However, for dengue fever, a caution is given by most doctors regarding home treatment. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (for example, aspirin (Bayer, Ecotrin), ibuprofen (Motrin), and other NSAIDs) should be avoided because of the tendency of the dengue viruses to cause hemorrhages. The NSAIDs may add to the hemorrhage symptoms. Other medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), codeine, or other agents that are notNSAIDs may be used.
More severe variations of dengue fever (hemorrhagic and shock syndrome) usually require additional supportive treatments; these patients often require hospitalization. IV fluid hydration, blood transfusions, platelet transfusions, blood pressure support, and other intensive care measures may need to be utilized in these patients. Consultation with infectious disease and critical care specialists is often advised to optimize patient care.


The risk factors for dengue fever are as follows:
  • Traveling to or living in endemic or outbreak areas, especially if no mosquito control is attempted by the people or government
  • Mosquito bites
  • A repeated infection with another serovar of dengue virus with antibodies in the serum active against the first infecting virus type
  • Not taking precautions to avoid mosquito bites


Dengue fever is not contagious; it is not spread from person to person. Dengue fever viruses require a vector, a mosquito (see Causes section below), that allows the virus to mature within the mosquito before the mosquito can effectively transfer the viruses to humans during a blood meal.


The risk factors for dengue fever are as follows:
  • Traveling to or living in endemic or outbreak areas, especially if no mosquito control is attempted by the people or government
  • Mosquito bites
  • A repeated infection with another serovar of dengue virus with antibodies in the serum active against the first infecting virus type
  • Not taking precautions to avoid mosquito bites


Symptoms, which usually begin four to six days after infection and last for up to 10 days, may include

Friday, 14 September 2018



Fogging is a technique used for killing insects that involves using a fine pesticide spray (aerosol) which is directed by a blower. In some cases a hot vapour may be used to carry the spray and keep it airborne for longer. Fast acting pesticides like pyrethroids are typically used. This is widely used for sampling or studying insects in the canopy of tall of forests which cannot be effectively reached. The floor below the trees are lined with plastic sheets and the fog causes insects to fall in a rain. These are collected for later study in the laboratory.

Chemical control

Although chemicals are widely used to treat Ae. aegypti larval habitats, larviciding should be considered as complementary to environmental management and – except in emergencies – should be restricted to containers that cannot otherwise be eliminated or managed.
Larvicides may be impractical to apply in hard-to-reach natural sites such as leaf axils and tree holes, which are common habitats of Ae. albopictus, or in deep wells. The difficulty of accessing indoor larval habitats of Ae. aegypti (e.g. water-storage containers, plant vases, saucers) to apply larvicides is a major limitation in many urban contexts.
Larvicides in water-storage containers should have low toxicity to other species and should not significantly change the taste, odour or colour of the water. WHO’s Guidelines for drinking-water quality provide authoritative guidance on the use of pesticides in drinking-water. Understandably, placing chemicals in domestic water, particularly drinking-water, is often viewed with suspicion and may be unacceptable in some communities.
More information on safety, quality control, guidelines for testing, insecticide resistance and application of larvicides is available from WHOPES.
Methods of chemical control that target adult vectors are intended to impact on mosquito densities, longevity and other transmission parameters. Adulticides are applied either as residual surface treatments or as space treatments.
Residual treatment
Perifocal treatment, as described above, has both adulticiding and larviciding effects. Suitable insecticides can be applied with hand-operated compression sprayers. Care must be taken not to treat containers used to store potable water.
Indoor residual spraying (IRS) is the application of long-acting chemical insecticides on the walls and roofs of all houses and domestic animal shelters in a given area, in order to kill the adult vector mosquitoes that land and rest on these surfaces.
More information on safety, quality control, guidelines for testing, insecticide resistance and application of residual treatments is available from WHOPES.
Space sprays
Space spraying is recommended for control only in emergency situations to suppress an ongoing epidemic or to prevent an incipient one. The objective of space spraying is the massive, rapid destruction of the adult vector population.
Any control method that reduces the number of infective adult mosquitoes, even for a short time, should reduce virus transmission during that time, but it remains unclear whether the transient impact of space treatments is epidemiologically significant in the long run.
If space spraying is used early in an epidemic and on a sufficiently large scale, the intensity of transmission may be reduced, which would give time for the application of other vector control measures that provide longer-term control, including larviciding and community-based source reduction.
Thus, if disease surveillance is sensitive enough to detect cases in the early stages of an epidemic, and if the resources are available, emergency space spraying can be initiated at the same time as source reduction measures and larviciding are intensified.

How AEDES reproduce?

Tempat-tempat pembiakan Nyamuk Aedes

Berikut merupakan tempat-tempat pembiakan nyamuk Aedes yang perlu dikenalpasti:

Dalam rumah:

  1. Akuarium
  2. Pasu bunga
  3. Timba
  4. Tempayan
  5. Kolah mandi

Luar Rumah:

  1. Tayar buruk
  2. Tempurung kelapa
  3. Botol/ gelas pecah yang mengandungi air
  4. Salur air hujan
  5. Longkang yang tersekat
  6. tangki septik yang terdedah

Kenali Nyamuk Aedes

Kenali Nyamuk Aedes!!!

Aedes merupakan genus nyamuk yang asalnya ditemui di kawasan tropika dan subtropika, namun telah tersebar disebabkan aktiviti manusia ke seluruh benua kecuali antartika. Namanya diperolehi daripada perkataan Yunani Kuno aēdēs, yang bererti "tidak menyenangkan", kerana nyamuk ini menyebarkan beberapa penyakit berbahaya seperti demam denggiAedes albopictus merupakan spesies yang sering ditemui di Asia. Kakinya berbelang hitam putih. Aedes aegypti juga terkenal sebagai penyebar denggi dan demam kuning.
Kitaran hidup nyamuk aedes bermula dari telur hingga dewasa mengambil masa kira-kira satu minggu.

Tabiat dan ciri-ciri nyamuk Aedes
  1. Aedes senang dikenali dengan belang hitam putih pada badan dan kakinya
  2. Aedes biasanya menggigit pada awal pagi dan waktu senja
  3. Aedes membiak dalam air jernih yang bertakung, sama ada di dalam atau luar rumah